Formerly known as ‘Civil Defense’ (responsible for non-military measures designed to protect civilians in wartime), the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is today affiliated with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. EMA provides resource-management support in coordination with police, fire, emergency-medical, and other emergency-response personnel during and after disasters, which can include tornadoes, flooding, acts of terrorism, and the like. Disaster-mitigation and -preparedness are the primary roles of EMA, which also coordinates volunteers who assist with emergency operations as needed within Pulaski County. The EMA director also serves as Pulaski County’s ADA Coordinator.
The EMA director is appointed by the Pulaski County Commissioners upon the recommendation of the Pulaski County Emergency Management Advisory Board.
West County Annex
108 North Franklin Street, Suite B
Winamac, Indiana 46996
Richel Fox, Director
911 (Emergency)
574.946.6391 (Office)
574.242.2508 (Cellular)
Office hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00a.m.-12:00p.m., 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m. ET
Pulaski County COVID-19 Vaccine Information