The County Assessor is elected for a four-year term and may be re-elected without limit. The County Assessor oversees a four-year cyclical reassessment. Also, the County Assessor oversees all levels of preparing for and collection of field work of real property as prescribed by the State of Indiana. The Assessor’s office is responsible for entering sales-disclosure and other information into the State of Indiana’s Gateway as prescribed by law. The County Assessor is the Secretary of the Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals.
Courthouse, third floor
For the duration of the Courthouse Rehabilitation Project, the Assessor’s Office will be located on the upper floor of the Pulaski County Annex, 125 South Riverside Drive, Winamac, next to the Pulaski County Public Library.
Holly VanDerAa, Assessor
574-946-3845 (Office)
574-946-7648 (Facsimile)
- Data input
- Sending of Form 11
- Informal and formal appeals
- Indiana Board of Tax Review cases
- Maintaining public records, including of real-property assessments
- Meeting Department of Local Government deadlines with all levels of assessing and compliance issues
- Handling personal property filings
- Auditing of personal property returns
- Providing to the Auditor’s Office assessed values for all real and personal property annually