APC & BZA Meetings & Minutes
Keeping track of our meetings isn’t just our responsibility, it’s what we do in good faith for our citizens. We strive to have all of our citizens, young and old, share their voice for the future of Pulaski County. To assist with that, we provide this listing of all of our notes so those who can not attend our happenings are at least able to stay informed. As Jefferson was paraphrased, “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”
2023 Meeting Schedule/Minutes
Unless specifically noted, dates and minutes are for Advisory Plan Commission (APC) meetings. The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meets at 6:00p.m ET, and the APC meets at 7:00p.m. ET. All meetings are held in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the Pulaski County Courthouse, 112 East Main Street, Winamac at the Pulaski County Highway garage, 1131 North U.S.-35, Winamac, until further notice.
BZA Agenda* BZA Minutes* Agenda* Minutes*
BZA Agenda BZA minutes Agenda Minutes
BZA Agenda BZA Minutes Agenda Minutes
BZA Agenda BZA Minutes Agenda Minutes
BZA Agenda BZA Minutes Agenda Minutes
BZA Agenda BZA Minutes Agenda Minutes
*The Board of Zoning Appeals and Plan Commission will meet jointly at 6:00 in January.
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