The Pulaski County Superior Court is a court of general jurisdiction, hearing both criminal and civil cases. The Court processes approximately 3,000 cases per year with the goal of serving the public in a most efficient and professional manner. The Superior Court is responsible for overseeing the Pulaski County Veterans Treatment Court and the Pulaski County Community Navigator.
Justice Center, second floor
110 East Meridian Street
Winamac, Indiana 46996
Honorable Crystal A. Brucker Kocher, Judge
Lindsey Clark, Court Administrator
574.946.3371 (Office)
574.946.3573 (Facsimile)
Court Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m ET
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMEND Pulaski County Local Rule LR66-AR 15-1 Sec 2.